1.1: Treat everyone with respect at all times. Don't start drama. Toxic behaviour will result in a warn or mute depending on severity (prolonged toxicity can result in a kick or ban).
1.2: NSFW is NOT allowed and said offense will result in a mute, kick or ban depending on severity.
1.3: DDosing or Doxing someone will result in an immediate ban. Scam links meet the same fate and is strictly prohibited.
1.4: ANY type of advertising or DM advertising is strictly prohibited and will result in harsh punishment. (DM advertising = ban)
1.5: Racist or derogatory slurs are not allowed and will result in a permanent ban.
1.6: Spamming is not allowed and should be kept to a down-low and can result in a warn or mute. Remember to stick to the appropriate channels (Eg. no links in #general ).
1.7: no mass-pinging . If you have a question for staff; mention an online staff member, however if there are none online, you may use @staff. **Do not ping the Admins**
1.8: @staff have the final say in things, when a staff tells you to stop, you stop.
1.9: please use the correct channels, so no #off-topic chat in #general.