
Hello and welcome to the application for Cross Speed. Please do read the rules below and checkout the discord if you have any queries.

Discord Rules:
1.1: Treat everyone with respect at all times. Don't start drama. Toxic behaviour will result in a warn or mute depending on severity (prolonged toxicity can result in a kick or ban).
1.2: NSFW is NOT allowed and said offense will result in a mute, kick or ban depending on severity.
1.3: DDosing or Doxing someone will result in an immediate ban. Scam links meet the same fate and is strictly prohibited.
1.4: ANY type of advertising or DM advertising is strictly prohibited and will result in harsh punishment. (DM advertising = ban)
1.5: Racist or derogatory slurs are not allowed and will result in a permanent ban.
1.6: Spamming is not allowed and should be kept to a down-low and can result in a warn or mute. Remember to stick to the appropriate channels (Eg. no links in #general ).
1.7: no mass-pinging . If you have a question for staff; mention an online staff member, however if there are none online, you may use @staff. **Do not ping the Admins**
1.8: @staff have the final say in things, when a staff tells you to stop, you stop.
1.9: please use the correct channels, so no #off-topic chat in #general.
VTC Rules:
2.1: Each month please drive at least 2500km and complete at least 5 jobs
2.2: Please try and keep your damage below 5%
2.3: During convoys you **must** have the Cross Speed Livery and Tag
2.4: Also, during convoys we ask you to turn off all beacons and don’t blow horn to reduce lag
2.5: When in TruckersMP we ask you to have the tag but do not need the livery
2.6: When in single player we do not mind what you are doing, but please when you do jobs do not damage them too much as vtlog picks up on it.
2.7: If you incur a ban, please message an staff member.
2.8: Respect other players, and install to record incidents to cover your back
2.9: Remember you are representing the VTC, please do not abuse the rules in both discord and mp.
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